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Category: Lifestyle

Peaceful Home Birth

On May 31, 2019, we welcomed Curtis Boy #3 in a beautiful water birth at our home. I give thanks to God for such an incredible and empowering blessing. Both of our older two children were born in a hospital. The backstory of those experiences helps explain my choice for a home birth this time around. If you’re looking for the birth story only – scroll to the end, it…

Children of God

Some days, there’s nothing that really stands out or speaks to me when I read my Bible. Other days, like today, the words on the page completely captivate my heart. The entirety of the first few verses in Hebrews 13 say, “Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to…

Imperfect Days

Progress, not perfection. This is my reminder for the hard days. The ones where your mind is totally unfocused. Everything seems to distract you and even though you’re completely aware, you still allow it. Where your willpower is weak and you’re not prepared to handle any obstacle. When you doubt yourself, and let negative logic take over your whole spirit. Each seemingly insignificant thought can quickly turn into…


I woke up this morning thanking God for thirty-one years on his earth. Last year, turning thirty felt like a big milestone. I imagined a shift from childhood into adulthood, and convinced myself I should be at a certain place in this path of life. A race against time gave me overwhelming anxiety about how I’m going to get everything accomplished. In reality, I was only concerned about…